Effectiveness of Airport Rail Link Administration

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Pawarisa Submaneewong
Ekaporn Rakkwamsuk


This dissertation is qualitative research, based on documentary data, in-depth interviews, and group discussions. The objectives of this research were to study (1) Public transport management system, Airport Rail Link. (2) Problems and obstacles to public transport project management, Airport Rail Link, and (3) The effectiveness of public transport project management, Airport Rail Link.

Findings of this research were: (1) Airport Rail Link is a rail transport system linking Suvarnabhumi airport and the city passenger terminal. (2) The establishment of the S.T.A Electrified Co., Ltd. to administrate the Airport Rail Link project has not been approved by some parts of the board of State Railway of Thailand, because of the great benefits of this project. (3) The administration of the Airport Rail Link project by the S.T.A Electrified Co., Ltd. is the implementation of the railway management system of State Railway of Thailand, and the dependence on the work system and management of the State Railway of Thailand, so it can’t develop to competitive in business. (4) The effectiveness development approach of the Airport Rail Link project will require the development of an integrated public transport network.

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How to Cite
Submaneewong , P. ., and E. Rakkwamsuk. “Effectiveness of Airport Rail Link Administration”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 6, no. 2, Nov. 2019, pp. 110-24, https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMA/article/view/192898.
Research Articles


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