Guidelines for Enhancing Quality of Life of Elderly in Chiang Rai Province

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Kajay Laosunthara
Wanna Rattanapong
Janjira Wichai
Navin Phromjaisa


The purposes of this research focused on 1) studying the nature of the status and the management of the elderly in an international level and in a local level in Chiang Rai province, 2) studying some factors influencing the quality of life of the elderly in Chiang Rai province and 3) studying some new ideas to improve the quality of life of the elderly in Chiang Rai province. It was qualitative research. The analysis used was path analysis and qualitative analysis. The data collection was done on 800 people consisting of some elderly in Chiang Rai province, some nationally and locally well-accepted retired private and government officers through a small group conversing interview. The results showed that all the factors influencing the quality of life of the elderly in Chiang Rai province could be put in order from the most important as 1) family 2) economics 3) law 4) health 5) happiness 6) society and environment and 7) networks with the total influence being 0.853, 0.541, 0.482, 0.450, 0.372, 0.248 and 0.080 consecutively.

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How to Cite
Laosunthara, K. ., W. . Rattanapong, J. Wichai, and N. . Phromjaisa. “Guidelines for Enhancing Quality of Life of Elderly in Chiang Rai Province”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 6, no. 2, Nov. 2019, pp. 293-08,
Research Articles


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