The Development of Web-Based Instruction on Creating an Office Website to Promote Digital Skills for Government Officials

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Nopadol Penpachoom
Naruemon Thepnuan


      The objectives of the research were to 1) develop of the development of web-based instruction on creating an official website to promote digital skills for government officials, 2) evaluation the digital skills of government officials before and after, and  3) evaluation the students’ satisfaction in learning with of web-based instruction on studying website.                                                            

      The samples of this study include 30 government officials by samples random method with lottery method from the website administrator. The research instruments to consist of web-based instruction on creating an official website, quality evaluation guide towards media and contents, digital skills evaluation form, and satisfaction evaluation form. The statisticals used to analyze the data were mean standard deviation and t-test for dependent samples.

      The results showed that:1) web-based instruction on creating an official website to promote digital skills for government officials had a quality of media at good level with an average of 4.39, quality of contents at a good level with an average of 4.41,   2) government officials' digital skills after studying through web-based instruction was higher than that before their studying with a mean 20.56/15.75 at a .05 level of significance. and 3) Government officials were satisfied with web-based instruction at a high level an average of 4.43.

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How to Cite
Penpachoom, N., and N. . Thepnuan. “The Development of Web-Based Instruction on Creating an Office Website to Promote Digital Skills for Government Officials”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 7, no. 1, Mar. 2020, pp. 204-17,
Research Articles
Author Biography

Nopadol Penpachoom, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi

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