Development of Application to Promote The Participation in Activites for Undergraduate Students

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Siriwan Dubthuk
Naruemo Thepnuan


     The objectives of this research were to (1) develop of application to promote the participatory in activites for undergraduate students, (2) evaluation the awareness of participatory in student activities using applications to promote participatory in activities for undergraduate students, and (3) study the students’ satisfaction towords the application to promote the participatory in activites for undergraduate students. The samples of this study were 40 students at semester 2 in faculty of engineering srinakharinwirot university. They were derived by sample random sampling with lottery method. The research instruments to consist of application to promote the participatory, quality evaluation guide towords media and contents, and evaluation form of students’ satisfaction. The statisticals used to analyze the data were mean, standard deviation, and t-test for dependence samples.The results showed that: (1) application to promote the participatory in activites had quality of media at very good level an average of 4.26, quality of contents at good level an average of 4.43, (2) the students’ awareness after using the application was higher than that and the t-test before their using with a mean 4.43/2.50 at .05 level of significant and (3) The students were satisfied with application at a high level an average of 4.47

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How to Cite
Dubthuk, S. . . ., and N. Thepnuan. “Development of Application to Promote The Participation in Activites for Undergraduate Students”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 7, no. 2, Aug. 2020, pp. 81-93,
Research Articles
Author Biography

Siriwan Dubthuk, Educational Technology and Communications Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi

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