Developing Model of Creative Community Based Tourism Management in Nakornsawan Province

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Rattiya Nuaamnat
Naiyana Girdwichai


     Objectives of this research were to develop a model of the creative community-based tourism in Nakornsawan Province. Methodology was the qualitative research collected data from 27 key informants with structured in-depth-interview transcript that had validity level at 1 and SWOT analysis to create a model that was evaluated for correctness, appropriateness and practicality by 8 experts in tourism. The result was at high and highest level in all aspects. The TOWS Matrix was also analyzed to create the management model of the creative community-based tourism in Nakornsawan Province and data was also analyzed by descriptive interpretation. Findings were as follows: The management model of the creative community-based tourism in Nakornsawan Province: CCBT=REALITYS consisted of 3 parts; Part 1 Octagon; the management of the creative community-based tourism in Nakornsawan Province consisted of 8 sides. Part 2 consisted of pentagon, people participating in the management of the creative community-based tourism in Nakornsawan Province consisted of 5 groups: community, network, entrepreneur, state agency, tourists and mass media. Part 3 capability in 3 areas with 8 components, consisting of area 1, area capability consisting of REALR: Reciprocating, exchange, learning. Experiencing, cooperating, knowing, Appreciating, acknowledging, values, Lifelong learning, development, creation. Area 2, Management capability, consisting of ITI: Technology using capability and Area 3, Human capability, consisting of YS: Young blood; heritage, maintaining and extending and Service mind, giving service with heart and 4 R’s strategy: proactive act, receiving, waiting and departing.

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How to Cite
Nuaamnat , R. ., Phratheppariyattimedhi, and N. Girdwichai. “Developing Model of Creative Community Based Tourism Management in Nakornsawan Province”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 7, no. 1, Feb. 2020, pp. 72-88,
Research Articles


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