Guidelines for Teachers’ Professional Excellence at Primary Education Level of the Office of the Basic Education Commission
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This study aims to 1) examine the prioritization of teachers’ characteristics following the code of ethics of teaching profession, 2) investigate the correlation between such prioritization and the level of practice among primary school teachers under the Office of the Basic Education Commission (the upper central regional group), and 3) propose guidelines for teachers’ professional excellence development. The samples in the study were 436 primary school teachers under the Office of the Basic Education Commission (the upper central regional group). The key informants who were purposively selected were nine teachers who were granted the Distinguished Teacher Award 2018 under the Basic Education Commission and nine selection committees of the Distinguished Teacher Award. The method used to elicit the data was an in-depth interview and semi-structured interview. The statistics used in the data analysis consisted of percentage, frequency, means, and standard deviation. In order to test the hypothesis, the difference in the means was tested using Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. In addition, the validation of the research instrument was also investigated using IOC index, questionnaire, and Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient. The analysis of the data from the interview was based upon grounded theory and contextual analysis. The results of the study revealed that teachers’ characteristics mostly prioritized by the samples were faithfulness and honesty towards the profession, and teachers were likely to pay more attention to the prioritization of teachers’ characteristics than the level of practice in every aspect. Considering the guidelines for the teachers’ professional excellence development, it was found that the characteristics that should be further developed consisted of mindsets, teacher professionalism, instruction and research skills, working skills, philosophy of living, and relations with community. The research results were confirmed and approved by six experts and could be the guideline for the development of teachers’ professional excellence.
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