The Model of the Strategic Management for the Disabled in the Special Education Schools

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PhramahaPeerapon Tanajalo
Sathaporn khanto


     The purposes of this research were as follows ; (1) to study components of the Strategic Management for the Disabled in the Special Education Schools (2) to create a driving model of the Strategic Management for the Disabled in the Special Education Schools (3) to evaluate and to affirm the driving model of the Strategic Management for the Disabled in the Special Education Schools. The mixed research methodology was used in the study. The data were collected from 388 samples consisting of school directors, Vice-Directors ; teachers and official in 125 private Special Education Schools, questionnaires and then analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, EFA and CFA.

     The results of this research found that ; The components of The Strategic Management for in the Special Education Schools, consist of 14 components and 105 variables. The driving model of the Strategic Management for the Disabled in the Special Education Schools from 5 main components; (1) Strategic Plan Formation (2) Strategic Plan Analysis (3) Strategic Plan Implementation (4) Control According to the Strategic Plan and (5) Strategic Plan Evaluation, and evaluation and confirmation of the model from experts in its propriety accuracy feasibility and utility is at = 4.27 level overall that was higher.

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How to Cite
Tanajalo, P., and S. . khanto. “The Model of the Strategic Management for the Disabled in the Special Education Schools”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 8, no. 2, Aug. 2021, pp. 113-27,
Research Articles


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