Game development promotes primary school children in Thai herbs and food as medicine with local wisdom

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Nutchareeya Asavarat


     This research aims to (1) develop games to promote creative learning at the primary school level on Thai herbs, and food as medicine with local wisdom., (2) assess the quality of games promoting elementary creative learning on Thai herbs and food as a medicine with local wisdom., and (3) study primary school students' satisfaction with using games to promote creative learning at the primary school level on Thai herbs, and food as medicine with local wisdom. The sample consisted of 119 primary school students with a specific choosing method, being primary school students in Nakhon Pathom Province who were interested in participating. The research instruments included interviews, questionnaires, and games to promote creative learning at the primary school level on Thai herbs, and food as medicine with local wisdom. The data was collected using interviews. Moreover, using questionnaires and participatory and non-participatory observation. The data were analyzed using simple statistics frequency, mean, share, standard division, and variance analysis.

           The research results found that (1) games, herbs, food as medicine focus on promoting creative learning through Gameplay and learning by answering questions,       (2) games, herbs, and food, and efficiency following the standards. Have a very good average (gif.latex?x\bar{} = 4.69, SD. = 0.48, and (3) the satisfaction of the students with games, herbs, and food as medicine was satisfied at the highest level (gif.latex?x\bar{} = 4.36, SD. = 0.36). Considered each side, in order, found that the beauty and interest in the use of the game, herbs, and food as medicine (gif.latex?x\bar{} = 4.27). The use of herbal games, food as medicine (gif.latex?x\bar{} = 4.28), promotion of creative learning (gif.latex?x\bar{} = 4.52).

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How to Cite
Asavarat, N. “Game Development Promotes Primary School Children in Thai Herbs and Food As Medicine With Local Wisdom”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 9, no. 1, Apr. 2022, pp. 54-69,
Research Articles


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