Thai TV Drama Production Management According to Buddha-Dhamma

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Kanya Kiewsarn


     This thesis It has three objectives: (1) To study the condition of problems in the management of Thai TV drama productions, (2) To study the principles of Buddhism in accordance with the management of Thai TV drama productions (3) To suggest guidelines for applying Buddhist principles of executive in the management of Thai TV drama productions. It is a qualitative research study. by studying the information from the document and in-depth interviews from Group of people involved in the management of Thai TV dramas, 3 groups, 9 people.

            The results showed that Problems in management of Thai TV dramas, (1) communication between each other (2) using one's own emotions as the basis for decision making (3) conveying emotions to the recipient of the work to cause misunderstandings or errors. Problems in these three sequences affect along the way in the management process, including: Affects the endpoint of the supporting line in the main role of recognizing production costs, income, expenditure, including general coordination responsible for liaising with external and internal departments. Approaches to the application of Buddhist principles of executive in the management of television drama productions are Saranee Dharma 6 Principles The principle of dharma is “A 2-level, approach of the Thai TV drama filming process”. Explain that the approach at the individual level and the production level of the drama connect the principles of Buddhism, the Singalaka Sutra, in coexistence in different duties In the daily life of everyone on the set of the drama.

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How to Cite
Kiewsarn, K. “Thai TV Drama Production Management According to Buddha-Dhamma”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 9, no. 1, Apr. 2022, pp. 83-89,
Research Articles


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