Relationship between Corporate Governance and Business Values of Listed Companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand

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Penjan Seangarvut
Punyapon Tepprasit
Ratchanee Binyasen
Panpen Sittipatana
Jackraphan Phongpetra


     The purpose of this research was to study the relationship between corporate governance and business value of the listed companies on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Using a quantitative research method. Collected data from a sample of 240 companies from the annual report (Form 56-1) and the database from SETSMART of the Stock Exchange of Thailand with consecutive operating results during the year 2015 - 2019, totaling 5 years. The results showed that corporate governance consisting of the structure of the Board of Directors and directors' remuneration influences the business value of listed companies on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The company with a good corporate governance structure and strong will reduce agent problems. Causing audits and follow-up on performance in accordance with the objectives and create value for the business, making the market value higher.

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How to Cite
Seangarvut, P., P. Tepprasit, R. Binyasen, P. Sittipatana, and J. Phongpetra. “Relationship Between Corporate Governance and Business Values of Listed Companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 9, no. 1, Apr. 2022, pp. 10-20,
Research Articles


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