An Analytical Study of the Value of Art Created Language and Buddhist Doctrine Found in Thai Poetry of Title “Sa Mak Kee Pait Kham Chan”

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Phramaha Chalermchai Chayamaythee


           The purposes of this research were (1) to study the history of Thai Poetry on title “Sa Mak Kee Pait Kham Chan, (2) to study the theory of criticism of contemporary literature, (3) to analyze Value of Art Created Language and Buddhist based on Thai Poetry on the title “Sa Mak Kee Pait Kham Chan” that followed the theory of criticism of contemporary literature,  and (4) to synthesize the doctrine on Buddhism based on Thai Poetry on the title “Sa Mak Kee Pait Kham Chan” for applying it in current Thai society. Methodology used for this research is based on Buddhist texts such as Pali canon or Tipitaka, commentary or Atthakatha, Petition or Dhika, Thai Poetry on the title “Sa Mak Kee Pait Kham Chan” books based on the theory of criticism of contemporary literature, documentary about teaching Thai 7, and books of how to compose Thai prosody to apply what it is synthesized to criticize it based on the theory of criticism of contemporary literature.

          The results of the study revealed that 1) The story line of Thai Poetry on the title “Sa Mak Kee Pait Kham Chan” is taken from a Jataka in Mahaparinibbanasuttra on Tipitaka and Sumangalavilasini commentary that Chit Buratat composed for showing the importance of the harmony. 2) There are many theories of literature such as criticism of contemporary poetry literature, criticism of linguistic literature, criticism of psychological literature, criticism of societal literature, criticism of aesthetics literature, criticism of philosophic literature, and so on. 3) The value of Thai Poetry on the title “Sa Mak Kee Pait Kham Chan” consists of three factors: Literary value, Knowledge value, and aesthetics value. 4) The Buddhist Doctrine found in Thai Poetry in Title “Sa Mak Kee Pait Kham Chan” includes six factors: bases of sympathy or acts of doing favors, states of conciliation, conditions of welfare, qualities of a good man, causes become divided, and how to deal with doubtful matters, 5) The application of the value and the Buddhist Doctrine found in Thai Poetry in Title “Sa Mak Kee Pait Kham Chan” is divided into two factors: application for person, and application for society.

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How to Cite
Chayamaythee, P. C. “An Analytical Study of the Value of Art Created Language and Buddhist Doctrine Found in Thai Poetry of Title ‘Sa Mak Kee Pait Kham Chan’”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 9, no. 3, Dec. 2022, pp. 192-06,
Academic Articles


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