Educational Management Model and Creating Learning Opportunities in the COVID-19 Crisis to Improve the Quality of Students in Ban Hub Bon School, Chonburi : Ban Hub Bon School

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Theerayut Sangsuriyajantorn


          The objectives of this research as follows: (1) to study the context, problems andneeds of student quality development of Ban Hub Bon School in the situation of the COVID-19 crisis, (2) to develop a model of education management and create learning opportunities in the COVID-19 crisis to improve the quality of students at Ban Hub Bon School, (3) to study the effect of using the model of education management and creating learning opportunities in the COVID-19 crisis to improve the quality of students in Ban Hub Bon School; and (4) to assess and improve the educational management model and create learning opportunities during the COVID-1 9 crisis to improve the quality of students at Ban Hub Bon School. The groups of informants were (1) Qualified persons in education management and education quality development, (2) teachers and educational personnel, (3) board of basic education institutions, (4) students, and (5)
parents of students at Ban Hub Bon School. The research tools consisted of structured interview form, meeting record form and educational institution administration model analysis form, practice record form, and assessment form for the use of an educational management model and a satisfaction questionnaire. Data were analyzed by using triangular techniques and descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation.

          The results indicated as follows: (1) There were three main models of learning management of educational institutions used in the COVID-19 situation, with problems in personnel and system clarity. There was a need for the development of a systematic and concrete model,and there were problems in the management of learning resources. (2) The model of education management and creating learning opportunities in the COVID-1 9 crisis to improve the quality of students in Ban Hub Bon School had components as follows: 1) The import factors in driving the administration, 2) the main factors and drivers used the PDCA management process, 3) Supporting factors include: 3.1) The process of reassurance the quality of education including Q-Coach and Q-Info 3.2) Networking partners included Q-Classroom, Q-PLC and 3.3) Appliance & Appropriate Innovation. 3. Results of the testing to use the model of education management and create learning opportunities in the COVID-19 crisis to improve the quality of students at Ban Hub Bon School, it was found that the responsible teachers and the working team performed according to the plan. As for learning activities to learners, there were qualified advisors, giving teachers’ confidence in organizing learning activities. However,there was also the cooperation of local sages. Students have more resources to learn and develop to their full potential. 4. The results of the assessment and improvement of the educational management model and the creation of learning opportunities in the COVID-19 crisis to improve the quality of students in to Ban Hub Bon School was in accordance with the situation of the COVID-19 crisis, with quality at the highest level and the students and their parents had the highest level of satisfaction.

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How to Cite
Sangsuriyajantorn, T. “Educational Management Model and Creating Learning Opportunities in the COVID-19 Crisis to Improve the Quality of Students in Ban Hub Bon School, Chonburi : Ban Hub Bon School”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 10, no. 3, Dec. 2023, pp. 285-97,
Research Articles


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