Buddhist Leadership: In the Era of Changing World

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          Buddhist leadership is about understanding of the contemporary issues in the changing world. Enlightened leadership consists of multi-skills involved with human resource management, communication, technology, teamwork, inspiration, and supporting the abilities among those he works with. Good leadership is mainly on responsibility of both working and living. Responsibility is the main concern of acceptability. An effective and efficient leader could deal with precious problems. He is capable to analyze causes of problems and to manage appropriate solutions. With this effective managerial performance, it leads to reduce damages and conflicts in the organization. A person having Buddhist leadership quality is able to apply the principles of Buddhism to resolve any conflicts and to create harmony in the society. Similarly, the Buddhist philosophy is adapted to cooperation in working and sharing ideas, and also living with peace and brotherhood for welfare of society. Effective and efficient leadership needs the qualification of Buddhist management in practical leadership occupied by precepts, wisdom, goodness, knowledges and abilities. A person having Buddhist leadership quality is capable to persuade his colleges to make collaboration and convey the organization to success.

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How to Cite
Phrakhupariyatkunawut. “Buddhist Leadership: In the Era of Changing World”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 9, no. 3, Dec. 2022, pp. 347-62, https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMA/article/view/261897.
Academic Articles


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