Guidelines for Developing the Governor Monks’ Potential with Participation in the Sangha Administration Area, Maha Sarakham Province

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Phramaha Attapong Sirisophano
Phramaha Pongdech Sukawattano
Panuvat Singkhampong


          This article is one part of a research paper titled “Guidelines for developing the governor monks’ potential with participation in the Sangha administrative area, Maha Sarakham province”which has the objective to study the process of developing the governor monks potential with participation in Sangha administrative area, Maha Sarakham province which is a qualitative research by using survey methods, interviews, group discussions, and practices to develop governor monks' potential.

          The results of research found that the process of developing the governor monks’ potential  with participation in the Sangha administration area in Maha Sarakham province is divided into 3 parts: (1) the process of studying,  an analysis of the problems and impacts on the governor monks’ potential, (2) the process of setting up a mechanism for developing the governor monks’ potential  in the Sangha administrative  in Maha Sarakham  province to have a mechanism in driving the development of governor monks' potential, to determine the factors that contributing to the development of governor monks' potential and to create a system for developing the governor monks’ potential  in accordance with the mission of the Sangha and (3) the process of developing the governor monks’ potential with participation, there is a policy to develop the governor monks’ potential, there is preparing a plan to develop the governor monks’ potential, there is design of activities to develop the governor monks’ potential, there is determining  the guidelines and formats for the development of governor monks' potential including the development of the governor monks’ potential  with participation in 4 steps, namely the process of surveying information on the governor monks’potential, troubleshooting steps, potential development steps and the steps of maintaining the governor monks’ potential  which has integrated with related network organizations to participate in the development of governor monks’ potential.

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How to Cite
Sirisophano, P. A., P. P. Sukawattano, and P. Singkhampong. “Guidelines for Developing the Governor Monks’ Potential With Participation in the Sangha Administration Area, Maha Sarakham Province”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 9, no. 3, Dec. 2022, pp. 362-75,
Research Articles


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