Leadership in Information and Communication Technology of School Administrators Affecting Academic Administration of Schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Suphanburi

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Thitaporn Thanyaphol
Sutthiwan Thantirotjanawong
Sajee Jiraro


          The purposes of this study were as follows: (1) to study leadership in Information and Communication Technology of school administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Suphanburi; (2) to study school academic administration under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Suphanburi; (3) to study the correlation between leadership in Information and Communication Technology and school academic administration under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Suphanburi; and (4) to study leadership in Information and Communication Technology affecting school academic administration under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Suphanburi.

          The research sample comprised of 317 school teachers under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Suphanburi, obtained by opening tables of Krejicie and Morgan at a reliability level of 95% and stratified random sampling based on school size.  The instrument used was a questionnaire on leadership in Information and Communication Technology of school administrators, namely, visionary leadership , use of information technology in management, use of information technology and communications in teaching and learning, supporting the use of information technology ,and enhancing ethics in the use of information technology and communications with reliability coefficient of .91, .94, .96, .94,.97 respectively, and school academic administration had a reliability coefficient of .99. Statistics used in data analysis were the mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s product- moment correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression analysis.

            The research findings indicated that (1) the overall of leadership in information and communication technology of school administrators were rated at the high level and the specific aspects could be ranked based on their rating means from the highest to the lowest as follows: : use of information technology and communications in teaching and learning, use of information technology in management, visionary leadership, enhancing ethics in the use of information technology and communications, and supporting the use of information technology ; (2) the overall  school academic administration were rated at the high level; and the specific aspects could be ranked based on their rating means as follows: learning process arrangement, academic planning, measurement and evaluation, media development innovation and technology in Education; (3) leadership in information and communication technology of school administrators related to school academic administration were positively correlated at a high level; and (4) the academic administration of educational institutions affected school academic administration were the following : the use of information and communication technology in teaching and learning management, the use of information technology and communications in the administration ,and support of the use of information technology were able to jointly predict the school academic administration at 73.20 percent with a statistical significance at the .01 level.

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How to Cite
Thanyaphol, T., S. Thantirotjanawong, and S. Jiraro. “Leadership in Information and Communication Technology of School Administrators Affecting Academic Administration of Schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Suphanburi”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 10, no. 3, Dec. 2023, pp. 193-08, https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMA/article/view/264539.
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