The Effects of Organizing Learning Activities Using IMPROVE Method With Think-Pair-Square Technique on Mathematical Problem Solving And Communication Abilities of Mathayomsuksa 2 Students
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The purposes of this research were; 1) to compare mathematical problem solving ability of Mathayomsuksa II students after learning with IMPROVE method with Think-Pair-Square technique activity as compare with the criterion of 70% and; 2) to compare mathematical communication ability of Mathayomsuksa II students after learning with IMPROVE method with Think-Pair-Square technique activity as compare with the criterion of 70%.The sample were 36 Mathayomsuksa II students of the second semester in academic year B.E 2565 they were selected by cluster random sampling method. The research instruments used in this research consisted of; 1) four lesson plans on surface area and volume using IMPROVE method with Think-Pair-Square technique activity, 2) Mathematical problem solving and communication abilities test, with the reliability of 0.81. The statistical for analyzing the collected data were mean, standard deviation and t-test for one sample.
The results of the study were as follows: (1) .Mathematical problem solving ability of Mathayomsuksa II students after learning with with IMPROVE method with Think-Pair-Square technique activities was higher than the set criterion of 70% at 0.05 level of statistical significance. (2) Mathematical communication ability of Mathayomsuksa II students after learning with with IMPROVE method with Think-Pair-Square technique activities was higher than the set criterion of 70% at 0.05 level of statistical significance.
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