Guidelines for The Observance on Pāṇātipāta Precept for Thai Buddhists
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In this research, three objectives were purposely made: (1) to study the precept observation on Pāṇātipāta of Thai Buddhists in Theravada Buddhism, (2) to study the criteria for judging the precept observation on Pāṇātipāta in Buddhism, and (3) to present the guidelines for the precept observance on Pāṇātipāta for Thai Buddhists. This research employed a qualitative research methodology done by studying documents and in-depth interviews of ten key informants.
The findings were shown that: Thai Buddhists place great importance on preserving animal lives where animal life redemption activities are organized with the awareness of giving life to animals resulting in self and family longevity. The precept observation on Pānātipāta as well as chanting for loving kindness were expressed to all sentient beings to reaffirm loving kindness to all beings.There are five criteria for judging the observance of the precept : (1) Pāno- living animal, (2) Pānsaññitā- knowing such living beings are alive,3) Vadhakacittam- having volition to kill, (4) Upapakkamo- an attempt to kill, (5) Tena maraṇam- beings die with such attempt. Only if a person kills with all the above five criteria, the Pānātipāta precept is broken. But if the five criteria are not completely violated, the precept is not broken but blemished. Killing animals is more or less demerit with the following three criteria: - (1) animal body size, (2) virtue, (3) attempt. Killing a large animal is a great demerit, killing a small animal is a minor demerit; Killing a virtuous person is a great demerit, killing an unrighteous person is a minor demerit. Killing that takes a lot of effort is a great demerit, killing with little effort is a lesser demerit. As far as the guidelines for the precept observation on Pānātipāta for Thai Buddhists are concerned, they personally need to start with loving kindness, compassion, forgiveness, no harm to humans and to all sentient beings is done; being with hiri is the shame of evil and ottappa is the dread of evil. One must not only kill by himself but also not ask others to kill; cultivating and training Buddhist people to be kind and compassion.
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