Adversity Quotient, Emotional Quotient, and Work Happiness
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The objectives of this research were to: (1) study the levels of adversity quotient, emotional quotient and work happiness of personnel at Kasikorn Bank; (2) compare work happiness of personnel at Kasikorn Bank by diverse personal factors ; (3) study the relationship between adversity quotient and work happiness of personnel at Kasikorn Bank; and (4) study the relationship between emotional quotient and work happiness of personnel at Kasikorn Bank. The samples were consisted of 193 personnel at Kasikorn Bank, Head Office. Data were collected by questionnaires. Data analysis used by a statistical package program. The statistical methods used by percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test and Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient.
The research findings showed that: (1) adversity quotient of personnel at Kasikorn Bank was the medium level , emotional quotient and work happiness of personnel at Kasikorn Bank were the high level; (2) the personnel at Kasikorn Bank had difference in income and expense balance had difference work happiness with statistically significant at .05 level, and the personnel at Kasikorn Bank had difference in gender, age, status, education level, average monthly income, work experience and department had not difference work happiness; (3) adversity quotient of personnel at Kasikorn Bank was positively related to work happiness with statistically significance at .01 level; and (4) emotional quotient of personnel at Kasikorn Bank was positively related to work happiness with statistically significance at .01 level.
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