Guidelines for the Educational Management Model of Phrapariyattidhamma on Pali Section based on the Seven Suitables (Sappāyas) of Wat Paknam School Phasicharoen in Bangkok

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phamaha pairaj wiracho (Dokpong)
Phramaha Twee Mahãpañño (Lalong)
Sanu Mahatthanadull


          The research had three objectives as follows: (1) to study the format of Buddhist Pali education provision of the country and Wat Paknam, (2) to study the education provision according to the principles of Seven Sappaya in the scriptures of Buddhist Theravada, and (3) to analyze the principles of Buddhist Pali education provision according to the principles of Seven Sappaya of Wat Paknam, Phasicharoen District, Bangkok Metopolitan. The research was the qualitative method by means of documentary research and field research. The key informants were administrators and assistant abbots of Wat Paknam, scholars, teachers and students from other monasteries, totaling 12. The research tool was the in-dept interview with descriptive analytics.

          The research study found that  (1) The format of Buddhist Pali education provision in four aspects in the Ratnakosin period has been well and properly managed in each period even though some imperfect as follows:  As for curriculum  in the period of Rama 1,  Tripitaka was used as the text for three-year studies with one Pitaka for one year.   As for teaching, there were very few personnel and for studying, the study was only provided in the capital, scarcely unavailable in rural areas.   In the period of Rama 2,  some formats of education provision  were  changed. For instance,  as for curriculum  the text of Tripitaka was changed to Atthakatha and Dika which has been used upto now. As for  Wat Paknam”s Buddhist Pali education provision, the format has been following the monastic regulations, some perfect,  some imperfect. (2) As for the Buddhist education provision according to the principles of Seven Sappaya, though the purpose of Sappaya’s principles is the Insight Development, if applied to the process of the Buddhist education provision, these principles are of importance in the education provision for monks and novices in order to make convenient and easy because the education is the development according to Trisikkha. (3) The five aspects of the format of Buddhist Pali education provision according to the principles of Seven Sappaya of Wat Paknam, Phasicharoen District, Bangkok Metropolitan are the following: (1) As for curriculum and texts,  they should be improved. (2) As for administrators, teachers and students, the personnel’s potentials should be developed. (3) As for administrators, teachers and students, the students should be developed. (4) As for services, the services and sufficient budget should be supported. (5) As for locations, the locations should be developed, the buildings and classrooms, even small, should be tidy and clean and the education must have quality, standard and update.

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How to Cite
wiracho (Dokpong), phamaha pairaj, P. T. Mahãpañño (Lalong), and S. Mahatthanadull. “Guidelines for the Educational Management Model of Phrapariyattidhamma on Pali Section Based on the Seven Suitables (Sappāyas) of Wat Paknam School Phasicharoen in Bangkok”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 10, no. 3, Dec. 2023, pp. 298-11,
Research Articles


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