Four Gharavasa-Dhamma, Sufficiency Economy Philosophy and Spiritual Well-Being of People at Ladphrao District in Bangkok

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Phrakhrusangkharak Kittichai Phojad
Theerapat Wongkumsin


          The objectives of this research were to: (1) study the level of four Gharavasa-dhamma, sufficiency economy philosophy and spiritual well-being of people at Ladphrao district; (2) compare spiritual well-being of people at Ladphrao district by personal factors; (3) study the relationship between four Gharavasa-dhamma and spiritual well-being of people at Ladphrao district and (4) study the relationship between sufficiency economy philosophy and spiritual well-being of people at Ladphrao district. The sample were 400 people at Ladphrao district, in Bangkok. Data were collected by questionnaires. Data analysis used by a statistical package program. The statistical methods used by percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test and Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient.     

          Results showed that: (1) four Gharavasa-dhamma, sufficiency economy philosophy and spiritual well-being of people at Ladphrao district were the relatively high level; (2) people at Ladphrao district had difference in occupation had difference spiritual well-being with statistically significant at .05 level; (3) four Gharavasa-dhamma positively related to spiritual well-being of people at Ladphrao district with statistically significance at .01 level and (4) sufficiency economy philosophy positively related to spiritual well-being of people at Ladphrao district with statistically significance at .01 level.

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How to Cite
Phojad, P. K., and T. Wongkumsin. “Four Gharavasa-Dhamma, Sufficiency Economy Philosophy and Spiritual Well-Being of People at Ladphrao District in Bangkok”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 11, no. 1, Apr. 2024, pp. 371-89,
Research Articles


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