Influence of Personal Factors, Self-Efficacy, and Social Support toward Self-Determination of Undergraduate Music Performance Students in Bangkok Metropolitan Region
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These objectives of the research were (1) the differences in self-determination among undergraduate music performance students based on personal factors, such as age, academic year, and instrument type (2) the relationships between self-efficacy and social support with self-determination among undergraduate music performance students and (3) the influence of personal factors, self-efficacy, and social support on students' self-determination. The research employed a quantitative research design with a sample of 562 undergraduate music performance students from various music institutions in Bangkok Metropolitan Region. Data were collected using questionnaires, and statistical analysis included percentage, mean, standard deviation, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression analysis.
The findings of the research revealed the following: (1) There were significant differences in self-determination among music students with varying ages, academic years, and instrument types. (2) Self-efficacy and social support had significant positive relationships with self-determination among music students at a statistically significant level of .01. (3) Self-efficacy, social support, and academic years collectively predicted 69.10% of the variance in students' self-determination.
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