The competency of the administrators affecting learning management by teacher in digital age under the Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Primary Educational Service Area Office 1

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Pawinee Hawat
Chaiyot Dejsura
Teerawat Montaisong


          The purpose of this research were (1) to study competency of educational institution administrators Under the Office of Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Primary Educational Service Area 1 (2) to study teaching and learning in the digital age of teachers under the Office of Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Primary Educational Service Area 1 (3) to study The competencies of administrators affect teaching and learning management in the digital age of teachers under the Office of Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Primary Educational Service Area 1. Which was obtained by opening the tables of Craigie and Morgan. The research tool was a questionnaire on the competency of school administrators. has a confidence value of 0.95 in teaching management in the digital age of teachers The confidence value was 0.94. Statistics used in data analysis were mean, standard deviation. Pearson correlation coefficient and normal multiple regression.              The results of the research revealed that (1) school administrators Under the Office of Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Primary Educational Service Area 1, the overall educational institute administrators' competencies were at a high average level. The aspect with the highest average was communication and motivation, followed by achievement-oriented. and the aspect with the lowest average was the analysis and synthesis aspect. (2) Educational institutions under the Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 have teaching and learning management in the digital age for teachers. Overall, it was at a high level. The aspect with the highest average value was curriculum construction followed by character development. and the aspect with the lowest average was the aspect of using learning innovation in the classroom. (3) the overall performance of educational institution administrators There was a positive relationship with teaching and learning management in the digital age of teachers overall is high statistically significant at .05 (4) Competencies of school administrators that affect teaching and learning management in the digital age of teachers. under the Office of Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Primary Educational Service Area 1 with statistical significance at the .05 level consisting of good service Visionary Team work Achievement-oriented communication and motivation and transformational leadership Overall, the forecast for teaching and learning in the digital age of teachers was 67.00 percent.

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How to Cite
Hawat, P., C. Dejsura, and T. Montaisong. “The Competency of the Administrators Affecting Learning Management by Teacher in Digital Age under the Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Primary Educational Service Area Office 1”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 10, no. 3, Dec. 2023, pp. 363-76,
Research Articles


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