The Effect of School Administrator's Academic Leadership to the Teacher's Learning and Classroom Management under the Ayutthaya Primary Education Service Area Office 2
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The purpose of the research was to; (1)examine the school academic leadership of administrators. (2) explore to the teacher’s learning and Classroom Management (3) investigate the Effect of School Administrator’s Academic Leadership of teacher’s learning and Classroom Management under the Ayutthaya Primary Education Service Area Office 2.The sample consisted of 297 teachers. The method used to choose the sample about Stratified sampling. The research instrument was five-rating scale questionnaire. The statistics for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation and stepwise multiple regression.
The research findings were as follows: (1) The academic leadership of school administrators as a whole were at the high average level. (2) The teacher’s learning and Classroom Management as a whole were at the high average level. (3) The Effect of School Administrator's Academic Leadership to the Teacher's Learning and Classroom Management at Ayutthaya Primary Education Area 2 that the data found statically significance at .05. There are the defining tasks the support and develop the teachers, and adequate supply of resources that the effectiveness of the research was at the percentage 38.
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