The Factors of Organization and the Acceptance of Technological Innovations Affects to The Efficiency of Information Systems for Auditor ’s office in Nonthaburi Province

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Ratchanee Binyasen
Mattima Krongten


          The purpose of this research was (1) to study organizational factors that affect the efficiency of using information systems in auditor ’s office in Nonthaburi Province and (2) to study the acceptance of technology innovations factors that affect the efficiency of using information systems in auditor ’s office in Nonthaburi Province. It is quantitative research. Use questionnaires as a research tool. The population and sample were auditors in companies registered in Nonthaburi Province. Data analysis and hypothesis testing to answer research objectives Descriptive statistical analysis was used. and inferential statistics using multiple regression methods.

          The results of the research found that (1) organizational factors in terms of supervisor support and tools Equipment and facilities It has a positive influence on the efficiency of using information systems in auditing work by auditors in companies registered in Nonthaburi Province. In terms of speed and timeliness Aspects of achieving objectives Acceptance from those involved as for personnel, it has a negative influence on the efficiency of using information systems in auditing work among auditors in companies registered in Nonthaburi Province. In terms of speed and timeliness Aspects of achieving objectives in terms of acceptance by those involved and (2) factors in accepting technological innovations Benefits from use Simplicity and convenience and data management has a positive influence on the efficiency of using information systems in auditing work by auditors in companies registered in Nonthaburi Province. In terms of speed and timeliness Aspects of achieving objectives Acceptance from those involved.

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How to Cite
Binyasen, R., and M. Krongten. “The Factors of Organization and the Acceptance of Technological Innovations Affects to The Efficiency of Information Systems for Auditor ’s Office in Nonthaburi Province”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 10, no. 3, Dec. 2023, pp. 209-21,
Research Articles


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