Guidelines for Moral Development of Conscripts
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The study included the following objectives: (1) to examine the training program for conscripts of the Royal Thai Army; (2) to explore the moral principles suitable for conscripts; and (3) to propose guidelines for moral development of conscripts. The study used a qualitative research method based on document research and in-depth interviews with 8 key informants. Also, content analysis was conducted, and findings were presented as a narrative synthesis.
From the study, (1) It is found that the training program for conscripts of the Royal Thai Army consists of the theory of military customs, which includes training and general military subjects, and the vocational training program, which includes both general occupational group and occupational group trainings. The training formats are combined, separate, and mixed. The training methods are divided into demonstration, opening session before the start of the activities, and closing session. The evaluation of the training is divided into the definition of evaluation criteria and grading according to the training program. (2) The moral principles suitable for conscripts is Tisikkhã or the threefold training, which consists of the following: 1) Sĩka-sikkhã, refers to physical strength, discipline, simplicity, and contentment; 2) Chitta-sikkhã, refers to mental development, tolerance, patience, bravery, stable and steadfast mind, sacrifice for the country, self-devotion, loving-kindness, honesty and sincerity; and 3) Paññã-sikkhã, refers to knowledge in military strategies and skills in handling weapons, as well as wise strategies and useful behavior. (3) The guidelines to promote the morals of conscripts are divided into two categories: 1) External factors, where teachers should use Anusãsanipãtฺihãriya (the miracle of teaching) as a driving force in teaching and practicing; and 2) Internal factors, where conscripts recognize the values and meaning of being a soldier to protect the country and consider it an important task, with continuous activities and a supportive budget.
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