Guidelines for Library Management in the 21st Century According to Sappaya 7 of Secondary Schools in Saraburi Province -

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anond metheevarachatra
Narakorn Klinhom
Phramaha Udorn Uttaro



The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the status of the library management of the secondary schools, and 2) to study the guidelines for the library management of the secondary schools according to Sappaya 7. This research applied Mixed Methods Research. The sample was 417 school administrators, teacher-librarians, and students from 21 schools in Saraburi Province. The research instruments were the questionnaire and the Semi-structured Interviews. The reliability tests were .97. The statistics used percentage, mean, and standard deviation and collected the transcripts of formal interviews from 13 informants. This research used content analysis to examine the data.

The research results were as follows:

  1. The status of the library management of the secondary schools according to Sappaya consisting of 4 aspects found that overall, it was at a high level (X = 3.96, S.D.= 0.58). When considering each aspect, it was found that the personnel was at the highest level (X = 4.13, S.D.= 0.50). The second was the information resource at a high level (X = 3.93, S.D.= 0.56). The third was the environment at a high level (X = 3.91, S.D.= 0.60). However, the service was at the lowest level. (X = 3.85, S.D.= 0.66).

  2. The guidelines for the library management of the secondary schools according to Sappaya 7 found that the library management for the 21st century consisted of 1) the information resource according to Sappaya was Bhassa-Sappaya: informing the regulations for the library service to the students, 2) the service according to Sappaya was Bhojana-Sappaya: the library had the food as the knowledge, and searching for the information by the online databases, 3) the environment according to Sappaya was Avasa-Sappaya: the library was the suitable place, comfortable, calm, and safety, Gocara-Sappaya: the library was the resource of knowledge, Utu-Sappaya: the library had the suitable environment and temperature, and Iriyapatha-Sappaya: the people in the library were careful in manner, and 4) the personnel according to Sappaya was Puggala-Sappaya: the library had the teacher-librarians that served friendly and finished in Library Science.


Keywods: The guidelines for the library management; Sappaya 7; the secondary schools

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How to Cite
metheevarachatra, anond, N. Klinhom, and P. U. Uttaro. “Guidelines for Library Management in the 21st Century According to Sappaya 7 of Secondary Schools in Saraburi Province: -”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 11, no. 3, Dec. 2024, pp. 300-18,
Research Articles


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