The Development of Educational Quality of Life for Underprivileged Children

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Phra Anousone Phanpaseuth
Phramaha Boonlert Inthapanyo
Phrapalad Prapoj Supabhato


This article focuses on analyzing approaches to the development of the educational quality of life for underprivileged children. Emphasizing the importance of providing appropriate and equal education. Support from communities and organizations Education is considered an important factor in improving the quality of life in promoting children to develop to their full potential. Promotion to grow into a good, quality person and benefit society as a whole. Education plays an important role in the development of academic and social skills. which is the basis for building a future. However, for underprivileged children Access to education remains a problem.
Especially in rural areas and communities lacking resources. Improving the quality of life therefore requires cooperation from many sectors. From families, communities, schools, and governments, there must be consistent planning and action in all areas. There are various and comprehensive development approaches that will help underprivileged children receive a good education and have more opportunities for their own development.

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How to Cite
Phanpaseuth, P. A., P. B. Inthapanyo, and P. P. Supabhato. “The Development of Educational Quality of Life for Underprivileged Children”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 11, no. 3, Dec. 2024, pp. 19-32,
Academic Articles


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