Improving the Quality of Life According to the Buddhist Approach of Ban San Na Khian Community, San Na Nong Mai Subdistrict, Wiang Sa District, Nan Province

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Santiphab Intakuan
Chamnarn Kerdchor


          This research article had objectives: (1) to study the quality of life problems of Ban Sannakhian Community, Sannanongmai Subdistrict, Wiangsa District, Nan Province, (2) to study the principles of developing the quality of life according to Buddhism, and (3) to study Improving the quality of life according to the Buddhism of Ban Sannakhian Community, Sannanongmai Subdistrict, Wiangsa District, Nan Province. This was a qualitative research obtaining data from documents and fieldwork by  interviewing 25 key informants and analyzed data by means of content analysis.
          The results revealed that: (1) For the quality of life problems, most Sannakian villagers had a low level of education and worked as farmers. They had high production costs but low incomes. They had a lot of debt problems, causing more young people to go out looking for work in other provinces, causing their children to stay with
grandparents, who had very different levels of knowledge and thinking, especially knowledge of using technology, cause their children to lack love and warmth from their parents and have a low quality of life. As a result, training activities to enhance the quality of life of the people there should be conducted as to raise more incomes. (2) For improving the quality of life according to the Buddhism, there are many principles such as: undertaking the 5 precepts, 4 Bhavanas, the 38 blessings, the Threefold Learning, and the 4 paths of accomplishment. However, the well known and mostly promoted are the 5 precepts that focus on not killing or violating life, not stealing, being honest to one’s own mate, not using false speech, and avoiding intoxicants. Such practices lead to a good society and the people in the community are happy and peaceful individually and socially. (3) For developing the quality of life according to Buddhism, the Ban Sannakhian community has guidelines to improve the quality of life in 4 areas:
1) economics, the Ban Sannakhian community dares to change, diligent and patient, not involve in vices, has morality, workes together to develop Phra Thatsannakian as a tourist attraction and produces community products, 2) Mentally, the Ban Sannakian community organizes morality training, attends temples, undertakes precepts, trains the mind and prays regularly, 3) Physically, the Ban Sannakian community exercises regularly, has clean food, does not drink alcohol, nor smoke, nor take drugs, undertook the 5 precepts in daily life, and 4) Socially, the Ban Sannakhian community does not harm each other, sacrifices and helps each other according to 4  Sangahavatthus or 4 the bases of sympathy.

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How to Cite
Intakuan, S., and C. Kerdchor. “Improving the Quality of Life According to the Buddhist Approach of Ban San Na Khian Community, San Na Nong Mai Subdistrict, Wiang Sa District, Nan Province”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 11, no. 3, Dec. 2024, pp. 33-42,
Research Articles


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