Usage of Digital media with Self-Directed Learning in Topic of Five Basic Buddhist Precepts of Moral Practices and Five Dharma for Primary 4 (Grade 4) Students

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rangsima phuenglap
Tiamyod Pasawano
Tipat Sottiwan


           The purposes of this research were to: (1) develop digital media with self-directed learning on the Five Precepts and Five Dharma for Primary 4 (Grade 4) students Wat Khian Khet school with the efficiencies of 80/80 (2) compare students’ learning achievement before and after using the media, Five Dharma for Primary 4 (Grade 4) students Wat Khian Khet school and (3) evaluate students' Wat Khian Khet school satisfaction towards the digital media with self-directed learning on the Five Precepts and Five Dharma. The samples of this study were 30 students studying in Wat khien khet school in the 2nd semester of academic year 2021 chosen using the lottery method of simple random sampling. The research instruments consisted of the digital media with self-directed learning, media and content quality assessment forms, achievement tests, and students' satisfaction evaluation form. The statistics used to analyze the data were mean, standard deviation, and dependent t-test.

          The research results showed that: (1) the digital media with self-directed learning on the Five Precepts and Five Dharma for Primary 4 (Grade 4) students had the efficiency of 90.84/88.40 which was higher than the defined criteria 80/80, (2) the students’ learning achievement after using the media was higher than before using the media at a statistical level of .05, and (3) the students' satisfaction towards the digital media with self-directed learning on the Five Precepts and Five Dharma for Primary 4 (Grade 4) students was at the highest level ( = 4.60, SD = 0.58).

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How to Cite
phuenglap, rangsima, T. Pasawano, and T. Sottiwan. “Usage of Digital media with Self-Directed Learning in Topic of Five Basic Buddhist Precepts of Moral Practices and Five Dharma for Primary 4 (Grade 4) Students”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 9, no. 3, Dec. 2022, pp. 91-106,
Research Articles


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