The “Kasetsart Applied Business Journal (KAB Journal)” is now in its 14th year. We continue to focus on content related to the field of business administration. The journal aims to publish research articles and academic articles in both Thai and English, covering the following content:
Finance: Business finance, investment, financial markets, financial services industry, financial products, financial innovation, risk management, and the efficiency of monetary policy
Management: Human resource management, organizational administration, business development, international business management, small and medium business management, and data analysis
Technology and operations management: Operational strategies, product and service development, logistics and supply chain management, quality management, project management, technology and innovation management, technology forecasts and policies, application of technology, and the impact of technology on organizations, platforms, and business ecosystems
Marketing: Marketing strategies for both B2B and B2C, online marketing, consumer behavior, marketing communications, brand strategy, social marketing, service marketing, and sports marketing
Other related or integrated fields with business administration
The print version has been produced since 2007 as a biannual journal (two issues per year), scheduled for publication as follows:
-Issue One: January to June
-Issue Two: July to December
In 2017, the working group initiated the transformation of the Kasetsart Applied Business Journal (KAB Journal) into an electronic journal with ISSN: 1906-0254 (Print) and ISSN: 2539-6250 (Online). This transition commenced with Volume 11, Issue 14, in June 2017, alongside the printed journal, to accommodate users’ needs for convenient and rapid access to articles in various formats.
The editorial board sincerely hopes that the articles published in this journal will provide you with substantial academic benefits. Should you wish to offer feedback or suggestions, we are eager to hear from you. Please send your suggestions to, and they will be considered for future improvements.
The Kasetsart Applied Business Journal, ISSN: 2985-2277 (Online), wishes to announce a change in the journal's executive editor: the current executive editor, Asst. Prof. Dr. Nattawoot Koowattanatianchai will be replaced by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Polwat Lerskullawat.
The KAB Journal would like to inform you about the adjustment regarding the reference documents at the end of the article or bibliography. References should be in English only, replacing any Thai references.
We would like to inform you of the new ISSN number, ISSN: 2985-2277 (Online). This new ISSN number will be used starting from Volume 17, Issue 27, July - December 2023.