About the Journal

About the Journal :

Research Community and Social Development Journal (old name: NRRU Community Research Journal) established by the subdivision of Publish and Research Service, Research and Development Institute, Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University from 2007 until 2023 named as “NRRU Community Research Journal” and changed to "Research Community and Social Development Journal" in 2024, indexed in Thai Journal Citation Index Centre - TCI 1 for Social Sciences on October 12, 2017 – 2019 and 5 years continue in the rank from 2020 to 2024.




Download >> The instructions and citation format

Download the Implicated form:

1. Manuscript Submission Form <Word>     <PDF>  

2. Research Article Format <for English Word / for Thai word>   <PDF example>

3. Academic Article Format  <for English Word / for Thai word >    <PDF example>

4. Record The Explain Of Correction (improved with the condition) <Word>

- The journal does not have a policy to accept manuscript formatting -- The journal will facilitate coordination for authors who wish to use the service only. The various agreements between the article's author and the journal's format are not involved in any way whatsoever.-

Guidelines for Submitting Manuscripts

1. Manuscripts must not have previously been published in any journal or publication and are not under consideration for publication in any other journals.

2. Manuscripts must not contain material that is plagiarized or extracted from someone’s research or another article without permission or proper citation. It should come from the synthesis of ideas created by the author. When bringing the manuscript into the online journal system (ThaiJo), the plagiarism checking report must not exceed 20% (checked from the Copy Cath program in the ThaiJo system).

3. Manuscripts must be complete and written according to the journal’s format, correctly and completely, before submitting for consideration. **Considering the manuscript of the article as specified by the journal. The original author/sender of the article must be properly formatted, and all steps have been completed only.**

4. Article manuscript evaluation by 2-3 experts or more reviewing (Peer review) an article in a double-blinded format, which determines the results per expert person of 4 levels of consideration as follows:

     41 - 50 score    The manuscript is slightly revised before publication.

     31 - 40 score    The manuscript is moderately revised before publication.

     21 - 30 score    The manuscript is heavily revised before publication, requiring revisions and re-evaluation.

     1 - 20   score    The manuscript is unsuitable for publication.

     *The manuscript must have an average score of 36 or over to pass the correction process.*

      If the article’s author prefers to edit and submit the manuscript for further consideration, they will have to go through the article submission process/process for consideration from the beginning. Then the editor/deputy editor will consider the evaluation results to pass or fail as appropriate.

5. Revisions must be carried out according to the recommendations or suggestions of experts (Peer review), along with submitting a memo clarifying the original article’s revision so that the editor/deputy editor can review the revision from the author entirely and accordingly according to the established pattern again. The manuscript will then be submitted to Research Community and Social Development preparation process (draft) to the author for verification before further publication.

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Current Issue

Vol. 19 No. 1 (2025): January-March 2025
					View Vol. 19 No. 1 (2025): January-March 2025
Published: 2025-01-15
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Indexed in TCI  tier 2: Social Sciences