Bot Bundit 2019 Volume 75 Number 3

ISSN : 0857-2992

Editor : Dr.Surasit Sangviroatjanapat



"Schutz und Grenzen richterlicher Unabhängigkeit im Rechtsstaat nach deutschem Recht"

- Henning Glaser -

     Page 1 - 32

"Criminal Punishment and Objective Theory : Draft of Delayed Prosecution Law"

- Asst. Prof. Dr.Utid Suparp -

    Page 33 - 43

"Introduction to UK Corporate Insolvency Law"

- Dr.Kanok Jullamon -

    Page 44 - 64

"FinTech: The Law and Its Impact on Financial Institutions"

- Sittipak Purisinsit -

    Page 65 - 111

"The legal status of outer space: A case study of the definition and delimitation of outer space"

- Asst. Dr.Chukeat Noichim -

    Page 112 - 136

"Legal Consequences on Breaking Rules of Presentation of Evidence"

- Asst. Dr.Kanpirom Komalarajun -

    Page 137 - 162

"(The Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgment in Oil Pollution Damage Matter : A Some Considerations to Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage Cause by Ships Act B.E. 2560)"

- Arnon Sriboonroj -

    Page 163 - 184

"Mens rea Element of Homicidal Offenses in the United States: a Study on a Charge of Murder Resulting from Driving While Intoxicated"

- Weekit Charoensuk -

    Page 185 - 208

"Legal Problems of Jurisdiction of Thai Constitutional Court: A Right to Submit a Petition under Article 213 of Thai Constitution"

- Kunjanita Kunjara na Ayudhya -

    Page 209 - 227

"Offenses relating to causing Public Dangers"

- Dr.Surasit Sangviroatjanapat -

    Page 228 - 264

Published: 27-09-2019