Social role of the Toshiyori, enforcers of ceremonies, in the middle Edo period: Analysis of the festival of Ta’asobi
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The purpose of this paper is to clarify the social role of the Toshiyori in the middle Edo period. Until now, Japanese history studies have maintained that the social role of a Toshiyori, who was a village chief in the pre-Edo era, was limited to one of ceremony by the Nanushi, who was designated the new village chief in the Edo era. However, conducting festivals and performing rituals were closely related to the social class
of a village. In other words, a Toshiyori as the ceremonial enforcer had social power. This research focuses on the Ta’asobi festival in the Tokumaru Village, analyzed it using the concepts of historical studies and
folklore studies, and showing the social role of a Toshiyori. This paper uses historical documents from the house of Yasui, who was a Nanushi of Tokumaru Village during the Edo period. Social role of the Toshiyori, enforcers of ceremonies, in the middle Edo period: Analysis of the festival of Ta’asobi.
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ข้อความและข้อคิดเห็นต่างๆ ในบทความเป็นของผู้เขียนบทความนั้นๆ ไม่ใช่ความเห็นของกองบรรณาธิการหรือของวารสาร jsn Journal
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