The Social Stigmatization Associated with the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Furqan Awaekachi
Wanchai Dhammasaccakarn


     The situation of COVID-19 pandemic and social stigma are some of the stigmas and problems that occur around the world. Recognizing its importance, researchers have gathered and analyzed academic content to create a body of knowledge presented in the form of scholarly articles. This problem is one of the new public health challenges that affect various aspects of life such as mental health, social difficulties, medical treatment, and prevention of the spread of the COVID-19 virus (COVID-19).  As COVID-19 is an emerging infectious disease (EID), people all over the world are worried and paranoid, fearing that they or those close to them will be infected, and various knowledge is still unclear, which leads to social stigma. From such behaviors and actions that have an impact on society, it has been discovered that "communication" is considered an extremely important way to stop and prevent social stigma. Therefore, understanding stigma deeply and presenting ways to reduce it in society is vital for better managing future health crises. Effective communication and enhancing public understanding are essential to reduce the factors leading to social stigma in daily life. Moreover, these strategies and policies are relevant not only to COVID-19 but also to future pandemics and global health emergencies.


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