Parent’s Expectations in Regard to Administrative Learning for the Primary Level of Education in Lampang Province

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กาญจนา ลออเลิศลักขณา
วาสนา จักร์แก้ว
สิทธา พงษ์ศักดิ์


The objectives of the research were: to find out what would be the expectations of parents toward the learning and teaching management of primary schools in Lampang and to compare the obtained expectation results to the existing aspects on the quality of the key functions such as academic, personnel, facilities, students’ affairs, and relationship between schools and parents. For the expectation regarding the quality of teaching and learning management, overall, the result indicates high satisfaction on personnel traits and characteristics (teachers’ kindness, sincerity and caring). On the social front, the results insist the need of engaging and supporting activities to improve morale and ethics of the students in guiding them to become good citizens going forward. On the characteristics of teachers, the result shows parents want teachers to be a full-hearted, role model teacher with visionary corresponding with the goal of improving the quality of education. For the administrators, the parents expected them to be understandable, meticulous, pay attention to detail on surroundings, having facility awareness e.g. installing security systems with closed circuit cameras, developing records of attendance, students’ profiles and notify the students’ records on monthly basis as well as improvement of IT systems with efficient students’ records/data

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