The Impacts of Climate Change and Adaptation Simulations for Rice Production in South of Thailand

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Nirote Sinnarong
Kasama Thaeye
Siriporn Phuntulee
Chanthana Susawaengsup


This study aims to estimate the potential impacts of climate change on rice production and adaptation to mitigate its impacts in South of Thailand.  Based on the panel data from 14 provinces over the 1989-2014 periods, feasible generalized least squares are explored to obtain estimators of rice production function.  The results showed that increase in the temperature and rainfall has adverse effects on the Mean rice production. The climate change projection results shown that rice production projected to decrease by 0.70-10.70% in 2030-2090. The results of Variance and Skewness of rice production vary across scenarios.  The adaptation simulation provided evidence that the impact of climate change can be mitigated significantly by using lating planting dates and changing rice varieties that can be shorting planting dates. These eco-friendly adaptations can prevent the crop from adverse effect of future climate change.

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Research article


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