Skill Development Educational Leadership

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Suddhipong Srivichai
PhrakruWirunsuttakun, Dr.
PhrakruKittiyannawisit, Dr


Leadership development in accordance with Thailand 4.0 and century 21st. Its concerned with educational development to follow up the world changing.First of all, It must develop the skill of the educational leadership to has ability  in other skills. So, the development of the educational leadership in Buddhism, it should upon the four Brahmavihara doctrinces .i.e. 1) the administrator should give kindness fairly. 2) the administrator should help the others fairly. 3) the administrator should congratulate to the others fairly. 4) the administrator should has fair heart in working for developing the skill of the educational leadership. Its effected to colleague working happily.

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How to Cite
Srivichai, S., P. Dr., and P. Dr. “Skill Development Educational Leadership”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 5, no. ฉบับพิเศษ, Aug. 2018, pp. 65-73,
Academic Articles