Studying Students’ Moral Reasoning

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Nives Wongsuwan


The thesis is studying students’ moral reasoning. The purposes of objective refer to (1) to study the opinion of students in 9 parts namely: responsibility, loyalty, disciplinary, charity, gratefully, balance, tolerance, exceptionally, and mindlessly. (2) to compare studying students’ opinions in moral reasoning (3) to critical students’ opinions concerning for using along by communities from questionnaire total 120 persons. The instruments for study were questionnaires, which printed by researcher and analyzed by the operation of SPSS+ According to the hypothesis of the results found that:

  1. The results found that students’ opinion in 9 parts namely, responsibility, loyalty, disciplinary, charity, gratefully, balance, tolerance, exceptionally, and mindlessly were almost in the high level.

  2. The results found that students’ opinion in 9 parts were found that almost on high level as 4.43-4.69, especially in 3 parts namely: mindlessly is 4.69, charity is 4.59, and responsibility is 4.47.

          3.       Moral reasoning, were not found that men and women about moral reasoning different at the significant 0.01

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How to Cite
Wongsuwan, N. “Studying Students’ Moral Reasoning”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 1, no. 2, Aug. 2018, pp. 112-24,
Research Articles


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