A Model of Social Intelligence Development for Basic EducationAdministrators

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Kawit Potipitak
Nantiya Noyjan
Paponsan Potipitak


      This research aimed to develop a model of social intelligence development for basic educational administrators with the following objectives: 1) to analyze the factors of a model of social intelligence development for basic educational administrators, 2) to create a model of social intelligence development for basic educational administrators, and 3) to evaluate a model of social intelligence development for basic
educational administrators. The research was conducted in three steps. Step 1 was to analyze the components of social intelligence for administrators in basic education schools by studying related documents, interviewing 7 experts, and collecting data from a sample group of 556 people from 139 schools. Step 2 was to create a model of social intelligence development for basic educational administrators by way of holding a connoisseurship of 9 experts. Step 3 was to evaluate a model of social intelligence development for basic educational administrators by collecting the data from 9 directors of the secondary schools. The findings of this research were as follows: 1) The analysis of components of a model of social intelligence development for basic educational administrators according to the set criterion resulted in 6 factors: social skills for leaders, communication and motivation, social cognition, social connection, social conversation,
and social characteristics. 2) The model of social intelligence for administrators in basic educational administrators consisted of 3 parts: introduction, contents were included the components of a model of social intelligence development for basic educational administrators and self - development, and successful conditions. 3) The evaluation of a model of social intelligence development for basic educational administrators revealed that the aspects of feasibility and usefulness were at the highest level.


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How to Cite
Potipitak, K., N. Noyjan, and P. Potipitak. “A Model of Social Intelligence Development for Basic EducationAdministrators”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 4, no. 2, Aug. 2018, pp. 113-29, https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMA/article/view/141314.
Research Articles


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