A Structural Equation Model of Elderly Care in Family Following Buddhist Psychology

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poungchomnad jariyajinda
Phutthachat Phaensomboon


     The purposes of this research article were: 1) to study models of elderly care in family following Buddhist Psychology; 2) to develop a framework for the elderly care structural based on family following Buddhist Psychology, and 3) to examine the consistency of the structural equation model of elderly care in family following Buddhist Psychology with the empirical data. This research used mixed methods research. For qualitative research, the design used in-depth interviews with 20 key informants with purposive sampling. For qualitative research, simple random sampling method was used and 220 samples were sampling from population. The research instruments were in-depth interviews and questionnaires. Content analysis and analytic induction were used for a qualitative data analysis. For quantitative data, descriptive statistics and relationships between the model and empirical data was analyzed by LISREL program. The research results were models of elderly care in family following Buddhist Psychology that studied from related research and literature consisted of 6 steps which were 1) coping, 2) searching for need, 3) connecting network, 4) taking
care with Bhavana IV, 5) having self-development and 6) assessing themselves. Structural equation model of elderly care in family following Buddhist Psychology fit with the empirical data. In conclusion, elderly can have good quality of life usually comes from elderly care qualification with Iddhibada IV mediated by elderly care in family following Buddhist Psychology.

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How to Cite
jariyajinda, poungchomnad, and P. Phaensomboon. “A Structural Equation Model of Elderly Care in Family Following Buddhist Psychology”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 7, no. 1, Feb. 2020, pp. 119-31, https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMA/article/view/177291.
Research Articles
Author Biography

poungchomnad jariyajinda, Independent academic



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