How to Think and Write for Philosophical Reasons?

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Sowit Bamruanphak
Sanguan Laphontan


     This article is intended to describe the term "analysis" under the terms ‘reasoning’ and ‘arguing’ and then summarizes the analyzed content by synthesis. ‘Reasoning’ refers to the references of ideas, theories or principles for the reasonability of criticizing writings, in other words called ‘reasonable critique’. ‘Arguing’ refers to argument or proofs with references to documents, books, texts, and research to support both agree and disagree issues, then synthesized; this means knitting, fusing, compiling, and composing the idea homogeneously through the expression and language of the author or researcher. And this article is analysed on Atta⁓ (Self) in Buddhist saying and Anatta philosophy were case studies, after studying, it made one to know that self teaching in Buddhist saying and Anatta⁓ philosophy were the similarly method as teaching from ‘having’ to ‘non-having’ or from ‘thing to nothing’. The first step  starts studying ‘having or thing’, because of ‘non-having or nothing’ is the oppositional meaning with ‘having or thing’.

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How to Cite
Bamruanphak, S., and S. Laphontan. “How to Think and Write for Philosophical Reasons?”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 7, no. 1, Mar. 2020, pp. 173-88,
Academic Articles


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