Student’s Attitudes Towards English Language Learning Behavior and Learning English in Low Level English Proficient
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The research subject, Student’s Attitudes Towards English Language Learning Behavior and Learning English in Low Level English Proficient, with the purposes of education and research by. This Research about student’s attitudes towards English language learning behavior and learning English in low-level English proficient in teaching and learning of English, Teaching English in the University. The purpose of this study was 1)to study the attitude, problem of students and 2) to Suggestion behavior to help for improving English. 3)To study the relationship between attitudes and behaviors of English learning students with knowledge of English. In the lower level. The sample groups to this research are ๓๒๒ students. Statistic uses to analyst this result from distribution of frequency, percentage, mean, Standard deviation (S.D),.The results were found as follows: 1. An attitude of student to the teacher who comes to teach An English course in school mainly is about the content of the course. Secondary is about how the teachers taught then follow by the environment then last is activity.2. A comparison attitude of student to the teacher who come to teach a English course in school distinguish by sex, age, class and size of school. We found out from the result that their attitude are not significance different distinguish by sex, age, class and size of school. Most of the resulted are only ๐.๐๕% different from one another.3. Problem, obstacle and suggestion to how student want to be taught in university. 1. The content, this subject is content to hard, should is easy to understand.2. The teaching techniques, the teaching style is not very interesting, should is teaching techniques variety.3. The activity of teaching, lack of Chance learning activities both in and out of place.4. The medium of instruction, lack of medium of instruction interest, supply medium of instruction interest.5. The environment for learning and teaching, both inside and outside the classroom is not conducive to learning, environment that is conducive to learning. 6. The evaluation measurement, the evaluation continues, the evaluation should is constantly updated.
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