The Project Management Model for the English Program: EP of Secondarทy Schools under Office of the Basic Education Commission

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Nopparat Arkkachot
Satorn Subruangthong
Nuntiya Noichun


This research aimed to 1) study the factors of the project administration for the English Program: EP of Secondary Schools under Office of the Basic Education Commission, 2) develop the model and 3) evaluate the model. The research was conducted in three stages. Stage 1 was to study the factors of the project administration for the English Program: EP by studying related documents, interviewing 15 experts and collecting data from a sample group of 850 people. Stage 2 was to develop the model by the way of holding a connoisseurship of 9 experts. Stage 3 was to evaluate the model by collecting data from 9 administrators.The findings were as follows; 1. The study of the factors of the project administration for the English Program: EPresulted in 8 factors were 1) Strategic Plan 2) Management Process 3) Administrator Competency 4) Personnel Quality 5) Budget Management 6) Curriculum and Instruction7) Student Quality and 8) Evaluation.2. The model and the handbook for the model were having accuracy. 3.  The overall of the model in the aspects of the accuracy and the utility were at the highest level, the propriety and the feasibility were at the high level.

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How to Cite
Arkkachot, N., S. Subruangthong, and N. Noichun. “The Project Management Model for the English Program: EP of Secondarทy Schools under Office of the Basic Education Commission”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 6, no. 2, Nov. 2019, pp. 142-59,
Research Articles


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