Tourism Supply Chain Management Model for Sustainable Tourism Development Tourism Supply Chain Management Model for Sustainable Tourism Development

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Monthira Sangthong
Siravit Koolrojanapat
Wichai Vanpetch


     The purposes of this research are (1) study the state of the situation of tourism supply chain of Nakorn Si Thamarat Province (2) develop supply chain model of tourism for sustainable tourism development of Nakorn Si Thamarat Province. And (3) assess and confirm the success of tourism supply chain model.

     The research used mixed methods research. The sample groups used in the research is personnel in this study, 340 samples from the three groups of stakeholders involved in the tourism of Nakorn Si Thamarat Province. The derived date were analyzed in Structural Equation Model (SEM). The major finding were as follows: 1) The Tourism supply chain were conditions about upstream, midstream and downstream factors for sustainable tourism development. 2) The result of the development of tourism supply chain model for sustainable tourism development. It was found that causal relationship model of tourism supply chain management. And 3) The structural equation model of in tourism supply chain management model for sustainable tourism development and the researcher had developed suitability to empirical data.

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How to Cite
Sangthong, M., . S. Koolrojanapat, and W. Vanpetch. “Tourism Supply Chain Management Model for Sustainable Tourism Development: Tourism Supply Chain Management Model for Sustainable Tourism Development”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 7, no. 2, Aug. 2020, pp. 17-35,
Research Articles


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