Indicators of Organizational Culture for Personnel Under Mahamakut Buddhist University

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Samran Srikammul


     The objectives of this research to develop the Indicators of Organizational Culture for Personnel under Mahamakut  Buddhist  University. were as follows: (๑) to study the appropriateness of Indicators of Organizational Culture for Personnel under Mahamakut  Buddhist  University for selecting indicators as specified criterion, (2) to test the congruence of developed model, and empirical data as specified criterion, (3) to investigate the factor loading as specified criterion and (4) to study the guidelines for the development of organizational culture for personnel under Mahamakut Buddhist University. The research methodology is mixed among documentary research and field qualitative research following up the research objectives. The research findings were as follows: 1.The objectives of this research as to develop the Indicators of Organizational Culture for Personnel under Mahamakut Buddhist University, the average value and distribution coefficient for selecting in the structural model of Organizational Culture indicators, as being appropriate as specified criterion: the average value was equal to or more than 3.00. 2. The elements of the model were consistent with empirical data with the Chi-Square () value equaled to 82.18, the degrees of freedom (df) equaled to 42 ( =1.95), the P-value equaled to 0.00021, the goodness of fit index (GFI) was 0.98, the adjusted goodness of fit index (AGFI) was 0.96, and the Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) was 0.039. and  3. The major factor had factor loading was higher than 0.50 in a very factor. The minor factor and indicator had factor loading at a higher level than the criterion as 0.30 in every factor and indicator. 4.The application of Buddhist principles to integrate with modern science and also adhering to the university motto, namely regulations, unity, rendering services.

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How to Cite
Srikammul, S. . . “Indicators of Organizational Culture for Personnel Under Mahamakut Buddhist University”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 7, no. 2, Aug. 2020, pp. 286-00,
Research Articles


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