The Creation of Sustainable Happiness Based on The Buddhist Integration

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Chantana Ruangpung


     This article has three objectives:  (1) To study the happiness creation of modern theories. (2) To study the happiness creation of Buddhist philosophy (3) To present the creation of the sustainable happiness model integrated from Buddhist philosophy. This is the qualitative research and field research. The result showed that modern theories aim to the real happiness in concrete accessed by human sense. The happiness is occured from the desire met. The happiness level is related to satisfaction volumn on objects. The happiness based on object is uncertain. Missing the external support, happiness is gone. Buddhist philosophy aims to the real happiness in abstract accessed by spirit. Buddhist philosophy have never denied objects. It is taught to use objects consciously, do not fall into happiness and develop to higher happiness. Happiness level is related to mental development. However, the object development is advanced from the mental development. Therefore, human have feel comfortable but lack of happy heart. With integration of modern theories and Buddhist philosophy to create the sustainable happiness, new model consisted of (1) Goal is the valuable life defined by person and society. (2) Supplies are the virtue suppliers which means consumption with the object’s value for input and life’s value for output. (3) Network is the happiness network which means happiness together and balance of happiness society. (4) Bank is the willpower bank which means meditation for accumulating willpower and spread the willpower to the others.

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How to Cite
Ruangpung, C. “The Creation of Sustainable Happiness Based on The Buddhist Integration”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 7, no. 3, Nov. 2020, pp. 1-16,
Research Articles


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