The Human Resource Management Model of the Administrarors in the Phrapariyattidhamma Schools, General Education Section
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The objectives of this research are: (1) to study components of human resource management of administrators in Phrapariyattidhamma School, General Education Division (2) to create a model of human resource of administrators in Phrapariyattidhamma School, General Education Division and (3) to evaluate and to affirm the model of human resource of administrarors in Phrapariyattidhamma School, General Education Division. The Mixed Methods Research methodology is used in the study. The data were collected from 732 samples consisting of school directors, vice-directors, and teachers in 199 Phrapariyattidhamma Schools, questionnaires with reliability at 0.97, semi-structured interviews, and evaluation forms. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, meanand standard deviation The results of this research revealed that:The components of human resource management of administrators in Phrapariyattidhamma School,
General Education Division, consist of 11 components and 89 variables. The model of human resource of administrators in Phrapariyattidhamma School, General Education Division, has 4 main components; (1) Policy (2) Operation (3) Welfare and (4) Performance. in accordance with the decided criteria, main factor score between 0.86-1.01, minor factor score between 0.74-0.97, and the variable score between 0.60-0.84and evaluation results from 17 experts in propriety, accuracy, feasibility, and utility were at 4.41 level overall that was higher than the set criteria in the study at 3.51. This result affirms that the created model from the study is approved.
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