Development of the Participation in Community Development in the Level of Subdistrict Municipality in Lat Lum Kaeo District, Pathum Thani
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This study has an objective to study problems, guidelines, and measure for solving problems to develop the community together in Bo Ngoen, Lat Lum Kaeo District, Pathum Thani. By a qualitative research method, Samples in this study total 48 people include 16 members of Bo Ngoen Subdistrict Administrative Organization Council, 10 representatives and teachers from Wat Bo Ngeon School and related persons involved in educational management, 13 village headmen and assistant village headmen, and 9 health promotion hospital personnel and volunteers. This study is a participation study to collect feedbacks for finding solutions in Bo Ngoen, Lat Lum Kaeo District, Pathum Thani. Data analysis is conducted by the analysis of problems, guidelines, or measures for solving problems to develop the community by Content Analysis. Results from the study can be shown as follows: (1) Problems in Bo Ngoen, Lat Lum Kaeo District, Pathum Thani which need an urgent action include economic development, social, environmental, security, and management problems. (2) Guidelines or measures for solving problems to develop the community in Bo Ngoen, Lat Lum Kaeo District, Pathum Thani will be conducted by a participation to analyze the community to analyze problems and situations with any guidelines or measures. Then, the participation is used to make decisions about defining guidelines for creating knowledge and understanding the current situation. Moreover, it is opened to learn and solve problems by different parties to define guidelines or
measures for the community in every aspect including economic, social, environmental, security, and management development sustainably.
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