Service Marketing Mix for Private Schools

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Supaporn Tungdamnernsawad
Phiphu Phongsuwan
Sukhum Chaleysub
Siroj Polpuntin


          Private schools are an important force in helping the government to manage basic education that can produce students with knowledge and skills according to the needs of the country. Private schools are committed to improving the education of the country. Private schools are not educational businesses for profit. At present, most private schools are entering a crisis; social conditions, reduced people age population structure, economic conditions, and government policy. Therefore, private schools have to find the ways to improve school administration in order to continue and survive.

          Service marketing mix is ​​one of the important factors that help to enhance the quality of school education and enable school administrators to compete in the reputation and quality of schools that are more important in the education sector. In addition, the service marketing mix is necessary for private school in order to allow the school to deliver valuable things to parents, promote the strengthen of school's services that face many challenges. The important of service marketing mix for private schools consisted of products, price, distribution channels (place), promotion, people, physical evidence, and processes.

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How to Cite
Tungdamnernsawad, S., P. Phongsuwan, S. Chaleysub, and S. Polpuntin. “Service Marketing Mix for Private Schools”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 7, no. 1, Mar. 2020, pp. 18-36,
Academic Articles


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