Supporting Volunteer Spirit in According To Bodhisatta

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Phrajaray Dhrammachitto (Chanbang)
Manop Nakkanrian


     The objectives of this thesis were as follows (1) to study the promotion of volunteer spirit (2) to study the promotion of the volunteer spirit according to Bodhisattva Principles, and (3) to analyze the value of the promotion of the volunteer spirit according to Bodhisattva Principles. The thesis was the documentary qualitative research works focused on documentaries, studies mainly on the Tipitaka, relating documentaries and relevant researches together with the interviews of the related persons. All of the data, collected during April 2019 - March 2020, were then analyzed by content analysis and analytic induction, classified into system, concluded and presented in descriptive analysis.

     The results of research were found as follows:- (1) The promotion of volunteer spirit was the creation of the human consciousness based on real feelings into the mind of the sacrifice for helping the others and society to be happy with voluntary, rapture, impressiveness, joy, valuable and the development of mind to be higher. (2) The voluntariness according to Bodhisattva Principles was the desire to help the others from suffering or problems together with public services from the sacrifice of a pure mind and voluntary without return according to Buddhist Doctrine including Poratokosa (hearing or learning from others), Yoniso Manasikara (systematic attention), Dhramma Sharing and Kindly Speech. (3) The analytical results for the value of the promotion of the volunteer spirit according to Bodhisattva Principles were as follows: 1) the value of self development aspect including the development of body, mind and wisdom, 2) the value of the social development aspect regarding the personal mind upgrading with loving kindness for social giving more than receiving to be the qualify society for everyone and 3) the value of the achieve attainment
aspect as a volunteer spirit for helping the others from various kinds of suffering.

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How to Cite
Dhrammachitto (Chanbang), P., and M. Nakkanrian. “Supporting Volunteer Spirit in According To Bodhisatta”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 8, no. 1, Apr. 2021, pp. 71-83,
Research Articles


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